My name is Mewael Michael, artist name MO Beats. I am a Designer/ a Producer/ & a Visual Artist from the city of Chicago. I went to University of Illinois @ Chicago, (UIC) to study Graphic Design. Before settling in Chicago, I Lived / (was born) in East-Africa (Ethiopia) & migrated to the U.S. at the age of 7 due to political unsettlement between Ethiopia & Eritrea. Long story short, I came to the U.S. as a refugee with a lost identity & adapted to the Art Culture. I have a huge & an authentic passion for art in general, but especially Music Producing, Graphic Designing, & Photography. I have been practicing/studying the elements of my art crafts for nearly a decade. I joined Elephant Rebellion & became a core member in 2012 as a mean of exercising my passion in art, while doing a service to my community / world. I am happy & honored to be in a collective of people that help me choose the right paths in this life journey.... #ONELOVE
"Classified Lies"🤫📁 Beats × Words by @mobeats89 Video coming real soon. Stay Tuned × Stay Woke🧐 Available on all…
Just posted a photo @ Chicago, Illinois
Man, I think I'm 7 years old on this lol. With the homies in 🇪🇹! ... @ Ethiopia